最近一個我非常喜歡的廣告...木村加上CG動畫, 第一輯很有alice in the wonderland的感覺...即使在日劇中出現疲態, 在廣告中很好看喔...
廣告歌由木村親自唱...內容當然就是跟產品有關啦, d杯杯碟碟在唱「紅茶紅茶甘い紅茶」(紅茶紅茶甜甜的紅茶), 木村就唱「大人なって紅茶がすき」(成了大人就喜歡紅茶)...其實這是零卡路里但有甜味的紅茶, 未有機會試, 不知道味道如何...




之後就轉場去了beauty and the beast跟杯杯碟碟共舞...


好得意呀~ 尤其是那兩幅走佬卡通~
返信削除[版主回覆06/21/2010 11:35:00]係呀, 首廣告歌我都聽到就快識背了 :p
多謝推薦,剛剛看完YOUTUBE,很有懷舊FEEL,覺得比較似以前的DISNEY CARTOON,或者是另外的貓同老鼠的感覺。。哈哈
返信削除[版主回覆06/21/2010 11:35:00]我somehow都係鍾意2D多過3D的...
返信削除I've been reading your blog since a few months back. I love your blog and agree to your view toward Tsuki no Koibito.
Do you know Kimura kun's writing a blog (as Rensuke)? Just love visiting there. In fact visiting your blog and Rensuke's becoming my daily exercise.... he he.
I think Kimura kun finds it very hard acting this time. He once wrote he will not escape anymore and it's somehow doesn't like him... (he is always positive) The character of Rensuke is just so unclear and don't know why he needs to be this harsh to people.
The script is too complicated and there are still too many ???? till now. People already lose interest watching it. Siu Mei says she would film the last episode soon, sigh.... why can't just let her go and don't come back anymore?
[版主回覆06/26/2010 08:30:00]Hi Carmen,
Thanks for visiting. I also noticed Kimura kun's blog but not following so frequently as you...I think he has sufficient capability to act some character that is very different from his true thinking. The major problem seems to be the unclear direction, whether he is treating people bad as a bad buy or as a good guy with special reasons...Sometimes, Rensuke sounds cruel but sometimes he sounds to be sensitive...That's what the audience or even Kimura himself feeling lost
The script is not very complicated but just not well written...It is modified from a fiction...I guess the script was written before the whole fiction finished...seems Rensuke's mind is not well defined at that moment and therefore the character is not clear and even not reasonable or rationale....
Fuji TV paid lot of money to invite Ms Lam for the drama and I think they must want to fully utilize her till the last episode from a commercial point of view...Given that Rensuke will be with Maemi together at the last, I would already be satisfied
Not sure if you are also SMAP or Japanese drama fans, hope you would come even after the Getsu no Koibito and share your comments again ^.^
I think the original story is much more simple (I am reading it right now) although it may not be a very good 'love story', but I think it's easier for everybody to understand and Kimura would carry that very well.
返信削除For sure I would visit your blog.
Wish there would be SMAP live in HK soon (finger crossed)!
[版主回覆06/27/2010 08:54:00]I saw the book in SOGO Club yesterday night, it's thicker than expected...but I have some other books to read so will not buy at the moment...Instead, I think "告白"would be at a higher priority...
Yes, but I guess the tickets for SMAP live in HK is difficult to get ...